Agents of Oppression and Global Instability
Why #IRGCterrorists ?

“The Islamic Republic in Iran is like a tree with deep roots, entrenched over 44 years. To help free Iran from the regime, one must first weaken its roots before attempting to topple the tree.”
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), also known as “Sepah” in Iran, is a military force formed in the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Its primary mission is to protect the revolutionary principles, safeguard the regime, and promote the expansion of Islamic revolutionary ideals throughout the Middle East. Operating independently from the regular Iranian military, known as the “Artesh,” the IRGC boasts its ground, naval, and aerospace forces.
Over the years, the IRGC has not only solidified its significant political, security, and economic control within Iran but has also emerged as a central pillar of the Iranian regime. Its influence extends into the realms of politics, defense, and key sectors of the economy, shaping the country’s trajectory and wielding substantial power in both domestic and regional affairs.
Strengthening Iran's Pursuit of Freedom and Advancing Peace in the Middle East
We strongly believe that empowering the Iranian population on their path toward freedom and democracy necessitates exerting maximum pressure on the current regime. As such, our efforts are laser-focused on mobilizing support and advocating for initiatives that apply significant pressure on the regime.
A paramount priority within our mission is to promote the international recognition of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. By raising awareness about the IRGC’s destructive activities and the severe human rights abuses it perpetuates, our aim is to mobilize international support and create a unified front against the regime.
The Far-Reaching Implications of Designating the IRGC as a Terrorist Organization
Milestones : Advancing Towards IRGC Designation
Since the launch of the campaign in early 2023, there have been significant achievements, including:
- A vote from the European Parliament in favor of a resolution calling for the designation of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)
- Eight sanctions packages implemented under the European Union legislation framework
- Unanymous adoption of a resolution aiming at IRGC designation as terrorist organization in the Swedish Parliament

EU Parliament vote of a resolution calling for the designation of the IRGC

Adoption of 8 sanctions package toward the Islamic Republic

Swedish Parliament vote of a resolution calling for the designation of the IRGC
The success of this campaign and achieving our target is a shared responsibility that rests with each and every one of us.
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